Each country in the Group adapts the application of its governance to regulatory requirements, while respecting the Group's values.
Respect for human rights
STEF complies with the regulations of the European countries where the Group operates, guaranteeing human rights (civil, political, economic, social, cultural, etc.).
Through our policy of encouraging diversity and equal opportunities, we are committed to promoting access to work.
We also ask our suppliers and subcontractors to sign up to our Responsible Purchasing Charter, inviting them to respect a set of commitments.
Concerned about the quality of life of future generations, our Group is committed to protecting the environment, preventing pollution, using resources sustainably and tackling climate change. This approach is part of a sustainable policy.
STEF complies with environmental regulations in the countries in which it operates. One chapter of our Ethics and Business Conduct Charter and our Responsible Purchasing Charter is devoted to the environment.
Fair practices and business ethics
STEF complies with the economic and commercial regulations of the countries in which the Group operates (Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal).
STEF's Ethics and Business Conduct Charter covers commitments in terms of respect for competition, commercial relations and the fight against conflicts of interest and corruption.
STEF requests that its main suppliers and subcontractors respect these provisions via its Responsible Purchasing Charter.
Créée en 2015 et régulièrement actualisée, la Charte éthique et de conduite des affaires du Groupe résume les engagements et règles de conduite qui doivent guider les collaborateurs et collaboratrices dans leurs actions au quotidien.