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Our commitments to the planet

Our Moving Green programme

As a player in the food supply industry, our Group is aware of its responsibility towards the planet: for over 20 years, we have been taking action to reduce our environmental impact.  

Our "Moving Green" roadmap was created to accelerate this commitment, focusing on 4 key areas: sustainable mobility, a responsible cold chain, the support of our partners and the involvement of our teams.


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. As a European leader in temperature-controlled food transport and logistics, STEF has a responsibility to actively contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

Stanislas Lemor, PDG du Groupe STEF
Stanislas Lemor
Chairman and CEO of STEF Group

Concrete objectives 

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles by 30% by 2030

Achieving 100% low-carbon energy in our buildings by 2025  

Committing our subcontractors to a more virtuous approach to the environment

Training and raising the awareness of our teams to mobilize them and encourage them to take action for the environment

#1 For sustainable mobility 

It's part of our brand purpose : we're committed to supplying people in a safe and sustainable way.

We are actively participating in the transition to a low-carbon world. 

  • We optimise our transport plans by making loads denser and reducing the distances travelled.
  • We are reducing the emissions and fuel consumption of our vehicles by renewing our fleet and by ​practising eco-driving. 
  • We favour alternative fuels (biodiesel, biogas, etc.) and are testing new technologies. 
Station BioGNV
STEF photovoltaïque

#2 For a responsible cold chain 

We are taking concrete action to reduce our energy consumption.

  • We systematically carry out energy audits through our energy management system (EMS). 
  • We use artificial intelligence to control our refrigeration facilities.
  • We are deploying photovoltaic panels at our sites, which now enable us to cover 5 % of our electricity consumption. 

#3 For our suppliers

We help our partners, and our entire ecosystem, to play their part in the ecological transition.

  • We work with our subcontractor partners to take a more environmentally-friendly approach. We help them to renew their vehicle fleets and incorporate a carbon footprint reduction clause. 
CSR Report 2023
STEF entrepôt Seafood drône
Salariés en formation

#3 For our teams

Our commitment is a collective one. Its success depends on everyone getting involved.

  • Our aim is to make every employee a key player in reducing the carbon footprint in their professional and personal lives.
Annual Report 2023

Our environmental initiatives

To protect people's health and reduce our impact on the environment, STEF has taken numerous steps to improve the performance of our vehicles' engines and refrigeration units, preserve biodiversity and implement reverse logistics approaches. 

Discover our actions for the environment

Concrete action for the planet  

+50,000 tonnes of CO₂ not emitted since 2010, thanks to our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Panneaux photovoltaÏques

An environmental policy recognised by several international labels, such as EcoVadis.

logo ecovadis

ISO 50001 certification for nearly 138 physical sites and 174 legal entities in France for the quality of the energy management system. 

ISO 50001

Going above and beyond 

Our commitments to society


Our commitments to our teams


Our commitments to our suppliers


Our responses to CSR standards
