Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. As a European leader in temperature-controlled food transport and logistics, STEF has a responsibility to actively contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles by 30% by 2030
Achieving 100% low-carbon energy in our buildings by 2025
Committing our subcontractors to a more virtuous approach to the environment
Training and raising the awareness of our teams to mobilize them and encourage them to take action for the environment
To protect people's health and reduce our impact on the environment, STEF has taken numerous steps to improve the performance of our vehicles' engines and refrigeration units, preserve biodiversity and implement reverse logistics approaches.
50,000 tonnes of CO₂ not emitted since 2010, thanks to our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Use of alternative fuels and low-carbon energies for vehicules: B100 Biodiesel, biogas, electric vehicules...
ISO 50001 certification for nearly 138 physical sites and 174 legal entities in France for the quality of the energy management system.