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Ethics and Compliance

The STEF Group is built around strong values: Enthusiasm, Respect, Rigour, Performance and ethical rules to which its managers are firmly committed. These values have shaped our culture and enabled us to establish our reputation in our businesses.

Created in 2015 and regularly updated, the Ethics Charter and Business Conduct Charter summarises the commitments and rules of conduct that must guide employees in their day-to-day actions.

The Group's policy is to develop a culture of ethics and compliance in which every employee plays an active role. STEF's Ethics and Business Conduct Charter is therefore addressed to everyone, wherever they are and whatever their activity within the Group.

In order to better disseminate its culture, STEF has put in place a global awareness-raising approach, training, so that everyone has the necessary references and means to defend and maintain ethics in business and finally, a digital alert system.
In particular, STEF has deployed an ethics and business conduct charter and a director's charter.

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The Group's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

The Ethics Charter and Business Conduct Charter is a mandatory document for all STEF Group employees.

It defines the fundamental rules governing compliance and business ethics, and sets out the behavior to be adopted when faced with risky situations, in particular acts of corruption or influence peddling. It also incorporates the Group's gifts policy and the provisions applicable to the fight against moral and sexual harassment and sexist harassment

Code Of Ethics and Business Conduct - EN - 2024

(pdf, 1.72 MB)

STEF Fundamental principles

(pdf, 162.94 KB)

Ethical and conduct principles

(pdf, 357.8 KB)

The Directors' Charter - Ethics and stock market regulations

STEF's financial communication policy aims to ensure the simultaneous dissemination of relevant, accurate and fair information.

This communication aims to guarantee the transparency and ethics of information as well as fairness towards shareholders.

The Directors' Charter - incorporating the rules of professional ethics and stock market regulations - is intended for the members of the Group's Board of Directors
The rules on professional ethics and stock market regulations are also addressed to the Executive Committee, the Operational Management Committee, the management of the main support functions and/or employees who, by virtue of their duties, are likely to be considered as permanent or occasional insiders under AMF regulations.

Download the Directors' Charter

A warning system

STEF's whistleblowing system is a secure, outsourced web platform that allows employees to file confidential whistleblower alerts
In addition to the usual internal reporting channels (managerial and hierarchical), this platform is a channel open to all Group stakeholders, whether employees or not.

Access to the alert platform