Our aim is to foster the long-term commitment and progress of our employees through concrete policies of inclusion, health protection and employee share ownership.
To reduce accidents and improve accident prevention
- Raising awareness among our employees.
- Integration of new Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) monitoring indicators in performance audits and prevention elements in the design of new sites.
- Strengthening the OHS induction programme for new hires.
- Deployment of safety committees at all sites in France.

STEF, partner of CARSAT
Our partnership with CARSAT, the benchmark organisation for occupational risk prevention, enables us to accelerate in three ways.
- Reinforcing of actions to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
- Reducing the number of long-term sick leave linked to occupational illnesses.
- Developing a safety culture and the commitment of our managers to prevention and safety.

To improve working environments and conditions
- Integrating occupational risk prevention upstream of processing projects, with the teams.
- Deployment of actions such as the involvement of ergonomists in the design or renovation of sites, or the development of work clothing.
- Introduction of Quality of Life at Work initiatives in three areas : work/life balance (with the introduction of an educational support platform for parents, for example), healthy living (with medical teleconsultation, for example) and support for people in difficulty (with a social assistance network and an occupational psychologist).